Hacking HR Meetup | Wien

DO20feb17:00DO18:00Hacking HR Meetup | Wien

Event Details

Hacking HR is a global community of HR and business leaders, practitioners, consultants, technologists and many others, passionate about the intersection of future of work, technology, people and organizations. We are creating Hacking HR local communities all over the world and bringing top-notch speakers to engage in powerful conversations and thoughtful, world-class. We believe that HR can be a trailblazer guiding people and organizations to thrive in the new world of work..
Join us! We will start to create the next event in Vienna. Impressions of our first one >>



Das Meetup ist kostenlos und für alle, die an einem Austausch und einem gemeinsamen Lernraum interessiert sind.

ANMELDEN kannst du dich hier >>  info@sichtart.at  | +43 6766103913

Ich freue mich auf alle, die dabei sein werden! Elisabeth Sechser

Zum Beta-Kodex für Gutes Neues Arbeiten! 

Thanks for sharing on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin or Mail!


20. February 2020 17:00 - 18:00(GMT+01:00)



Mariahilfer Straße 112/ 1/9

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