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Hacking HR Vienna Chapter Meetup 1

DO23jan17:30DO19:30Hacking HR Vienna Chapter Meetup 1

Event Details

Will AI take over HR? Is HR ready to incorporate AI? Over a panel discussion, we will try to discover the answers.

About this Event

We are launching our first Hacking HR Vienna Chapter Meet-up in Vienna. This event focuses on bringing Human Resources and Artificial Intelligence together: in a panel discussion we will discover the pros and cons of AI and its connection to HR.

AI has already influenced our daily lives and changed the way we accept decisions when it comes to daily commute, shopping, or even communicating. Yet, HR has some concerns when it comes to applying AI in its processes. AI has the potential to influence and improve work that conventional HR did so far. With our panelists, we will try to uncover the potential benefits, but also threats and open a debate in order to answer the question: AI is here, is HR ready?

Join us!


17:30-17:45 intro/welcome

17:45-18:45 panel discussion

18:45-19:00 Q&A

19:00-19:30 networking

The contributors


Ambros Scope, Head of Future Workforce Engineering

– Ambros started his career as a management consultant in 2005 in the insurance industry, where he was responsible for various HR areas until his current role. He is currently head of the Future Workforce Engineering division, which includes strategic skill management in addition to internal management consulting. His professional passion is the combination of corporate development with personal development – preferably using HAIR: AI in HR.

Vera Märk, Head of HR @ Medicus AI

– Before working in Medicus, Vera mostly worked in the recruitment area. In her current position, Vera is responsible for the implementation of all HR functions in Medicus AI. Vera tries to implement as many technology-based HR practices in Medicus. As Medicus ́ core business is based on AI, the entire company is prone to accepting and implementing AI-based solutions to their everyday work environment.

Frank Fichtenmueller, Head of AI & Data Science @ Sclable

– Frank is an experienced machine learning engineer, full-stack Python developer, and data scientist with a proven track record of raising advanced analytics products in the areas of HR, legal-tech, and e-Learning. Successfully raised over 1 Million in funding from governmental and private investors incubating two product AI startups in Europe and Asia.

Petra Hauser, Country Manager @ Talent Garden

– Petra is a Country Manager at Talent Garden. She has a lot of experience in the usage of AI-based solutions in Talent Garden, both for business and HR reasons. Her passion is to explore new things and show their beauty to others.

Jasmina Punek, HR Business Partner for Central & Eastern Europe Corporate, Investment and Private Banking @ UniCredit

– Jasmina is a HR professional with international, cross-functional and managerial experience. She started her career in the recruitment team of UniCredit in Croatia. She continued her career as Global HRBP for Markets and Research in London and lately in Vienna as the HRBP for Central and Easter Europe perimeter. She manages a strategic project aimed at reshaping the Recruitment Process in UniCredit CEE.countries.


Lucija Veličan, Hacking HR Vienna Chapter and HR Consultant for IT industry @ Talentarium


Ana Šeničnjak, Hacking HR Vienna Chapter and Recruitment Coordinator @ Talentarium


Talent Garden “We are a Community, not just a space”– Talent Garden is the leading European coworking network and educational institute for the digital and tech community. Today their network spans twenty-six campuses in eight countries.

Talentarium “IT. People. And other stuff.” Talentarium is designed for IT’s people-related needs. Talentarium supports businesses in strategic decisions and goals related to people. Their services include: supporting companies in starting a business, recruitment, talent management services, and B2B mediation.

der brutkasten – Austria’s most successful innovation and business medium. With a focus on startups, smart brands and the digital economy, the brutkasten pursues a multi-channel strategy. Our goal is to offer readers, founders and corporates the most interesting news from the digital and innovation economy. By 2020, we will be expanding existing products and services with the motto “Technology shapes media consumption”.

For free! Just come and join us!

Questions? Support needed?


23. January 2020 17:30 - 19:30(GMT+01:00)


Talent Garden Austria

Liechtensteinstraße 111 -115

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