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How Domination and Partnership Shape Our Brains, Lives, and Future

Nurturing Our Humanity offers a new perspective on our personal and social options in today’s world, showing how to structure our environments-from family and gender relations to politics and economics-to support our great capacities for consciousness, caring, and creativity.

It examines where societies fall on the partnership-domination scale, and how this impacts equity, sustainability, peace, and how our brains develop. Combining cutting-edge findings from biological and social science, it explains regressions to strongman rule and other dangerous trends; re-examines our past (including societies that for millennia oriented toward partnership); and outlines actions to move us in this life-sustaining and enhancing direction.

Riane Eisler

Riane Eisler, JD, PhD (hon), is Adjunct Professor at California Institute for Integral Studies Transformative Leadership Graduate Program, San Francisco and a Research Associate at the Department of Anthropology, University of Alabama at Birmingham. She is also President of the Center for Partnership Studies, Editor-in-Chief of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, internationally known as a system’s scientist, cultural historian, pioneering attorney working for women’s and children’s human rights, and recipient of many awards. Her groundbreaking books include The Chalice and the Blade, Tomorrow’s Children, and The Real Wealth of Nations. She lectures worldwide, keynoting conferences, addressing the U.N. General Assembly, U.S. State Department, corporations, and universities. Her website is

Douglas P. Fry

Douglas P. Fry, PhD, is Professor and Chair of the Department of Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. He is internationally renowned as a peace anthropologist. His previous books include Beyond War, Keeping the Peace, The Human Potential for Peace, Cultural Variation in Conflict Resolution, and War, Peace and Human Nature. His current project, with colleague Geneviève Souillac, entails an in depth exploration of human capacities for survival in the Anthropocene.

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