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“Economic systems are human creations. We can create an economic system, economic rules, matrix and policies that support caring for ourselves, others and the health of Mother Earth.” Riane Eisler

Bücher von Riane Eisler, Auszug

Sichtart-Podcastfolgen mit Riane Eisler

Episode #35 “Domination systems prevent economic and human development

Episode #36 “Wirtschaft von Anfang an und zu Ende gedacht”

Elisabeth Sechser über die Arbeit von Riane Eisler und deren Relevanz für Unternehmen, März 2022, BetaCodex Meetup “demokratie unternehmen”  

Vorträge von Riane Eisler, Auszug

Happy Birthday” Riane Eisler, 2021

It was a pleasure to create this small gift with some excerpts from her life’s work. We are very impressed that she has spent her life finding appropriate answers to many social and economic issues and making them available to the world.

A Thank-you for all her work to re-examine human nature to find misunderstandings and overcome harmful assumptions and patterns. Also for the work of changing society to create conditions in which our positive human capacities for caring, consciousness, and creativity can develop and flourish. In her work she has explored and provided important distinctions and underlying harmful and beneficial patterns that give us essential connections and opportunities for action for a healthy, strong society, economy and Mother Earth. Yes, we can move from Domination Systems to Partnership System because they are human creations. It is fascinating how much the BetaCodex fits and belongs together with Riane Eisler´s research-work and insights. Not following a top-down logic, the BetaCodex offers a great alternative to create quality, human work-places, to build high value creation companies, to overcome inhumane and incomplete patterns in organizations. Yes, we can change organizations from Alpha to Beta because they are human creations. 

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